The depths beckon...
Dungeon Terrain & Minature Content for RPG Enthusiasts
The Denizen, while isolated in his dungeon, harkened back to the days in which he first explored the imaginative, word-focused game of Dungeons & Dragons.
His interest rekindled, he discovered a more sophisticated game that (after multiple overhauls) was still firmly attached to physical books, relying minimally on the internet and screens.
However, updated tactics and novel accessories drove the Denizen deep into new hobby subcultures. 3d printing, miniature painting and terrain design brought realism and strategy to the game that graph paper never could.
The Denizen has created this resource for DMs and gamers to explore new tools and technologies to enhance their role playing. The site includes:
Terrain ideas
Dwarven Forge Layouts
Miniature Painting Tips
3d Printing Tips
D&D inspired products